Among the themes of the book Roots, there are projects such as new houses and families and the arrival of peace babies after years of life in transit. There is also the strengthening of the big family unit, which stretches beyond blood relationships and connects those who lived together during long years of armed struggle. It is no coincidence that the topic of taking root particularly arises among the textile creators of the community of San José de León in Mutatá. It reflects the difference between the socioeconomic situation in the new village, which has been collectively built by its inhabitants on their own land, and the uncertainties and the lack of socio-economic perspectives faced by many ETCRs in Colombia

The new house

Rosa, 2019, Village of San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia


Sirley, 2019, Village San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia

El Nacional football club

Rosa, 2019, Village of San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia

Water sources

Vianet, 2019, Caserío San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia